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Where to Purchase HVAC Air-Trap™
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Des Champs Technologies Air-Trap™ Global Distributors

North America
SUPCO - Sealed United Parts
Fax: 1 800 458 2818
Find your local Supco distributor:

COMSET Sistemas e Equipamentos
Rua 3300, nº 360, Sala 806 88330-272, Balneário Camboriú, SC
Tel: 047 - 3366 2733
Cel: 047 - 99129 9025

Dublin, Ireland & UK
Ideal Cooling Equipment Ltd.
Klima House, Brookfield Avenue
County Dublin
T + 353-1- 2886739
M + 353- 87- 2557662

Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand
Aspen Pumps Asia Pacific Pty Ltd.
Formerly Pro Pipe Supplies Pty Ltd.
8 Waddikee Road, Lonsdale SA 5160 -
P +61 (08) 8186 4666
F +61 (08) 8186 4632

Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Finland
Energiteknik Lolland ApS
Jesper Frederiksen
Klostervænget 1a
4900 Nakskov
+45 29440005

Poland, Romania & Ukraine
Grupa Innowacyjnych Technologii
ul. Energetyków 19
20-468 Lublin
Ph: +48 504-235-459
Contact Name: Piotr Wójcik
e-mail: p.wojcik@git-pl.pl

PO Box: 117087, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 4 360 3136
Fax:+971 4 420 68 46
M:+971 50 625 16 82
Hussam Sbayteh
General Manager
Distributed to your local Wholesaler
Ask for the SUPCO, Sealed Unit Parts Air-Trap
Distributed to your local Wholesaler
Ask for the SUPCO, Sealed Unit Parts Air-Trap

infraAIR - A Division of infraStruct
Justin Schinnour
Sales and Service Canada
Located in Calgary
Tel: 403.823.0422

Central America, Mexico & South America
2601 Spenwick Drive, Houston, Texas 77055, USA
Direct 1-713-9294382
Office 1-713-263-8001 ext. 3382
Cel: 1-713-8993295
Alex Frean
Senior Director of Sales