The Air-Trap allows liquid condensate to drain from the HVAC equipment and simultaneously prevents air from entering or escaping from the equipment.

Note: The above drawings represent traps that operate under positive or negative pressure. Never connect condensate drain directly to a sanitary drain line.
RLC-Series Positive/Negative Orientation Animation
An animation detailing RLC-Series concept for a positive pressure and negative pressure installation.
• Never requires priming or filling with water
• Since it operates dry when there is no condensate being produced, the trap and the drain line leading to the trap will not freeze
• There will be no geyser effect within the HVAC unit at the beginning of cooling season as is common with a dry P-trap
• Because the trap operates dry when no condensate is flowing there will be no accumulation of sludge
• The HVAC Air-Trap is predesigned so errors caused by field designed P-traps are eliminated
When the unit fan is blowing through the cooling coil the drain pan is under positive pressure. Under these conditions the RLC Series is oriented in the vertical position. In the positive pressure mode the maximum pressure in the unit plenum is 3 inches WC. All of the benefits listed above are present when operating in the positive pressure mode plus the blow through that occurs on a dry P-trap is eliminated.
Negative Pressure - Orientation is Horizontal
• Condensate flow up to 2 GPM at any negative pressure
• Schedule 40 PVC with clean out port
• Retains no water after condensing has ceased
• ¾” slip internal or 1” fitting external connection - with bushings can connect to ½, 1 ¼, 1 ½ and 2” tubes
• Meets general building codes. For use on HVAC equipment only.
Positive Pressure - Orientation is Vertical
• Up to 3-inches positive pressure
• Up to 0.5 GPM water flow (≈ 40 tons)
Des Champs Technologies LLC has recently introduced the versatile RLC Series HVAC Air-Trap. The HVAC Air-Trap uses the air pressure generated by the fan, or gravity, to prevent air leakage from or to the air handler. The RLC Series can accommodate PVC drain pipe sizes from ½" to 2" and up to 40 tons of refrigeration.
When oriented in the horizontal position it can accommodate essentially any HVAC unit negative plenum pressure and requires less than half the installation height of a standard P-trap. The lower height allows ease of installation and in many cases, reduces curb height requirements or in some cases eliminates the need for a curb. In addition, the RLC Series eliminates the following issues associated with the P-trap:
RLC-Series Videos

Residential / Lite Commercial Positive / Negative Pressure Waterless Trap
Maximum Pressures, Connection Sizes & Length
HVAC Air-Trap
• Operates Dry — Eliminating:
- Freezing and breaking
- Dryouts
- Sludge buildup
- Geyser effect
- Mold and mildew caused by geyser effect
• Prevents air leakage
• Reduces trap height requirement by 1/2
• Predesigned — eliminating field-designed errors
No More Troublesome "P" Traps

Negative Pressure Orientation
Positive Pressure Orientation
Click below button to see available sales locations and distributors
or purchase the RLC-Series below using the secure checkout from our Shopify store, waterless-trap.com
Maximum negative pressure of WC: 20"
Maximum positive pressure of WC: 3"
Length: 4.65"
Flammability rating: UL94 V-0
Air-Traps Meet IMC® Code Section M307.2.4.1
Maximum Condensate Flow, GPM
Any Negative Pressure:
Positive Pressure:
0.06 at 5" WC
0.19 at 4" WC
0.21 at 3" WC
0.21 at 2" WC

Available Models and Connection Sizes
RLC-Series Operation

3/4" Clear
*Will fit 1" with fitting
3/4" White
*Will fit 1" with fitting
RLC-Series Air-Trap Advantages
RLC-Series Installations
Attic residential RLC-Series negative pressure installation in combination with condensate pump.

RLC Series negative pressure installation in a data center facility.
RLC-Series negative pressure commercial rooftop installation.

RLC-Series negative pressure trap replaced a leaking standard P-Trap that didn't have enough height to function properly.
Patented: US10775073B2